A solution to the search for manufactures and providers of high quality meters, metering products and systems.

HOLLEY METERING LIMITED (Holley Nigeria) is both an answer and a solution to the search for a Nigerian manufacturer and provider of top quality meters, metering products and systems.  An International Joint Venture (IJV) Partnership of CELDON TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED (Nigeria) and HOLLEY TECHNOLOGY LTD (Holley China). Holley China holds equity interest as Technology Partners, brand owners and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and Suppliers.

To provide every consumer in Nigeria with smart prepayment meters to be in control of their consumption/cost, end estimated billing and eliminate DISCOs collection losses.

To be the foremost manufacturer and provider of metering solutions to consumers and utilities in Nigeria and Africa.

Partnership with Holley Technology Limited (China)

HANGZHOU, CHINA (September 20, 2016) at the Corporate Head Office of HOLLEY, a cooperation agreement was signed between HOLLEY Technology Ltd (China) and CELDON Technologies Limited, subsidiary of Celdon Group (Nigeria) represented by their respective

This gave rise to the formation of HOLLEY METERING LIMITED (Holley Nigeria) as a Joint Venture Company of the partnership trading under HOLLEY brand in Nigeria.
Under the cooperation HOLLEY Nigeria will leverage HOLLEY China expertise and experience in Metering Technology spanning over 40 years across the globe to meet the needs of consumers and utilities in Nigeria.

The cooperation principally covers supply of metering products and systems, setting up of assembly and production lines in Nigeria, training of personnel both in China and Nigeria transferring HOLLEY’s superior metering technology to Nigeria Engineers.